Friday, January 7, 2011

It's a New Year!

It has been a week full of ups and downs to begin 2011. We started the week good. I was getting Keely dressed and she was eating a snack while I was putting her braces and shoes on. I left her shirt off since she was still eating. When she was done she put her snack bowl down and got her shirt and brought it to me in the other room and wanted me to help her put it on. Normally, she would have no interest in putting the shirt on, she would have just ran around without a shirt until I went and got it and chased her down to put it on.

Then the old yeast problem came back. I had taken her off the prescription yeast medicine a couple of months ago and thought we were doing pretty well considering we were trying to get off the prescription. But this week it got out of hand. I could tell she was in pain and her behavior was horrible. She was not sleeping well either. So I added back the diflucan for now, but am still hoping to get her completely off of it soon.

Even through all that she has made progress and done a few new things this week. This morning she was wanting to leave for school and had gone and got her coat to put on. I was still trying to get her to eat her breakfast so I held up her bowl of food up to her and said bacon. She held up her coat to me and gave me 'the look' and said coat in a little demanding voice. It was pretty dang cute. I love how she can amaze me everyday.

You and Me Against the World


  1. She so sweet. I in a sad way, I am glad I have a friend who can go through this journey with me.

  2. Thanks Summer, I know it's not the journey we thought we would be going down, but we do get to make the best of it and I am glad I get to go through this with some really great people including you.
